Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. accepts postal items presented by the sender, properly packaged, with an opaque outer cover that does not allow viewing the content, and which have written the complete identification data of the recipient, and in the case of the Cash on Delivery service and of the sender (name and surname/name in in the case of legal entities, respectively the full delivery address).
The sender is responsible for packing the postal items, as well as for entering the data on the postal item.
Postal shipments containing fragile goods must be properly packed by the sender, using sawdust, anti-shock polystyrene or other material that mitigates mechanical shock as filler, and have the inscription “Fragile” applied. Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. undertakes to recognize and respect the inscriptions/labels applied by the sender and to pay special attention in the handling and storage of the postal items in question.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is not responsible for possible alterations to the mailing by electromagnetic means or causes (for example, demagnetization, X-ray scanning during security/customs procedures, etc.).
Maximum accepted dimensions of the postal item:
– maximum circumference (2xW+2D) 300 cm;
– maximum length (1xL) 175 cm for road transport, 120 cm for air transport.
The maximum allowed weight of a domestic or international postal item is 31.5 kg, with the exception of the Express service for international postal items, in which case the maximum allowed weight is 30 kg.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. does not accept postal items whose packaging contains inscriptions that are contrary to public order or good morals, as well as postal items consisting of goods that are contrary to public order or good morals, if they are submitted unpackaged or in transparent packaging, or postal items that present labels or old inscriptions that have not been removed .
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. does not accept counterfeit goods, with special value, antiques, securities, valuable documents, original documents, respectively jewelry, furs, watches and other such goods with a value higher than the maximum limit established in the case of the declared value sending service.
Likewise, goods whose transportation is prohibited by legal provisions, even for a portion of the route (for example, but not limited to: explosive, toxic, flammable, psychotropic, drugs, weapons or their parts, ammunition, etc.).
The sender has the obligation not to introduce into the postal network postal items whose object is prohibited by the legal provisions.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. ensures the secrecy of postal items – the retention, opening or disclosure of the content of postal items being allowed only under the conditions and with the procedure provided by law.
In the case of international postal items, both parties will additionally respect the legal provisions in the customs field, as well as the legislation of the states on the territory of which operations are provided as components of the postal services and of those transited by the postal item.
With the exception of postal items subject to the Express service, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. ensures the delivery of domestic postal items within 3 working days, respectively within 10 working days from the date of collection in the case of international postal items.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. provides delivery services with declared value, services whose particularities consist in insuring a postal shipment against loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage, for an amount that cannot exceed the value declared by the sender, and in issuing, upon request, after the submission, respectively the delivery of the postal item, of a proof regarding the deposit of the postal item or delivery to the addressee, without being confirmed in writing by him.
The term in which the sender can request proof of the submission, respectively the delivery of the postal item that is the subject of a delivery service with declared value is 9 months from the date of its submission, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. having the obligation to communicate that proof within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of the request, through a method agreed with the sender or the integrator (for example, fax, e-mail, etc.), without involving additional costs for the sender.
The maximum accepted value of the declared value is the counter value of EUR 5,000 per postal parcel, respectively up to EUR 13,000 only with the prior consultation and acceptance of Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. provides the Cash on Delivery service, a postal service whose particularity consists in the payment by the recipient to the sender, through the postal network, of the value of the good that is the object of the registered postal shipment. The collection of these postal items is done only if the sender has correctly and completely indicated all his identification data. The accepted currency in which money is collected and paid from recipients is RON, the forte currency or another agreed currency of the destination country. The maximum amount accepted by the supplier is 5,000 RON for legal entities and 9,999 RON for consumers. The mode of collection and, respectively, payment of the refund is by bank transfer. The deadline for returning the value of postal items to the sender (the amounts collected from the recipient) is 5 working days from delivery in the case of domestic postal items and 7 working days in the case of international postal items.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. provides the Receipt Confirmation service, a postal service whose peculiarity consists in the delivery to the sender of the proof of delivery of the registered postal item, confirmed in writing by the recipient. The deadline for returning to the sender the proof of delivery of the postal item, confirmed in writing by the addressee, is 7 working days from delivery in the case of domestic postal items and 10 working days in the case of international postal items.
In case of loss of proof of receipt of the postal item by the addressee, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. draws up and makes available to the sender a duplicate thereof.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. provides the Express service, a postal service that cumulatively assumes:
– release by Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. the sender of a document that allows the supplier to internally identify the shipment in the postal network and that certifies the date, time and minute of submission, as well as the payment of the tariff;
– delivery of the postal item to the recipient’s address, personally to him or to the person authorized to receive the postal item;
– fast delivery of the postal item;
– the responsibility of the supplier for non-compliance with the delivery times related to the postal items that are the subject of this service.
Guaranteed delivery times for postal items subject to the Express service are 12 hours in the same locality, 24 hours in the case of delivery between county and intra-county residences, respectively 36 hours between any two other localities on the national territory.
In the case of international postal items, the time that the postal item is on the territory of Romania will not exceed the above limits.
In the case of international postal items collected from the territory of Romania and to be delivered to a recipient located in one of the member states of the European Union or of the European Economic Area, the time that the postal item is outside the territory of Romania will not exceed 48 hours. For other international Express destinations, the delivery time will not exceed 120 hours.
In case of exceeding the guaranteed delivery times for the Express service, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. responds to the user by refunding a percentage of 1% of the collected tariff for every 12 hours of delay.
Delivery of postal items is carried out at the address indicated by the sender, as the case may be, at the addressee’s mailbox or personally to the addressee or to the person authorized to receive the postal item.
With the exception of postal items that are subject to Express and Special Delivery services, in the event of the impossibility of delivering the postal items to the addressee (or the authorized person), Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will notify the addressee by means of a notice announcing the attempted delivery of the postal item and will keep, at the point of contact, for handover, the postal item that could not be handed over to him, for a period of 5 days from the date of his notice .
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will return with approval, to the sender’s address, at the sender’s expense (according to the rates indicated in the commercial offer), the registered postal item that could not be delivered to the addressee due to one of the causes provided by law, within 7 working days in the case of internal postal items , respectively within 21 working days in the case of international postal items, a term which is calculated, as the case may be, from the date of expiration of the approved retention period or of the attempted delivery.
In case of non-compliance with the times thus established in this document, for all postal services (but excluding the delivery times related to the Express service), Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will respond to the user by returning a percentage of 1% of the fee charged for the respective service.
In the case of postal items that could not be delivered to the recipient or returned to the sender, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will keep these postal items available free of charge for 9 months from the date of their submission. After the expiry of this term, unclaimed postal items pass from the property of the sender to the property of Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. has the right to refuse delivery to the addressee of the postal item when, after taking over the postal item, it is beyond doubt that it contains goods prohibited for transport or that do not comply with the special transport conditions established according to the legislation in the field, respectively the legislation of the states on whose territory the delivery is to be made or the states to be transited, or when, after taking over the postal item, it has caused or may cause imminent damage to people, the environment, the installations used or other postal items.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is responsible, in case of loss, theft or total destruction, for internal postal items, as follows:
– with the full declared value, for a postal item that is subject to a declared value dispatch service, including whether or not said postal item is subject to a cash on delivery service;
– with the cash on delivery value, for a postal item that is subject to a cash on delivery service without a declared value;
– with the amount representing 5 times the service rate, for postal items that are not subject to a value-added service or a cash on delivery service;
In case of loss, theft or total destruction, in addition to the compensations mentioned above, the fees collected when submitting the postal item are also returned.
In case of loss or partial destruction or damage, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is responsible for domestic mailings as follows:
– with the declared value for the missing, destroyed or damaged part or with the share corresponding to the missing weight of the declared value, for postal items that are subject to a declared value delivery service;
– with the amount representing 5 times the service rate, for postal items that are not subject to a declared value delivery service.
To the amounts provided above is added the legal penal interest that flows from the moment of the introduction of the preliminary complaint or, as the case may be, of the introduction of the summons request, regardless of which of these moments comes first.
In the case of a shipment subject to a refund service, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is liable for the full value of the refund for the situation in which he did not return the full value to the sender, or with the corresponding difference up to the full value, if the refund was partially collected from the recipient.
Complete loss of content is equivalent to loss of mailing.
In the situation where the sender has declared a value lower than the real one, the compensation is at the level of the declared value.
In the case of non-performance of the services that constitute additional features of the postal services, nominated by the sender through special instructions, only the fees charged in addition to the applicable fee for the standard postal service are refunded.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is responsible for international postal items in accordance with the provisions of the national legislation applicable to domestic postal items.
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. is exempted from liability in the following situations:
– the damage occurred as a result of the act of the sender or the recipient;
– the user does not have a mailbox installed that allows the delivery of postal items or it does not ensure the security of postal items or, as the case may be, does not have a service intended for receiving postal items;
– the shipment was received without objection by the addressee/sender, with the exception of complaints regarding the loss, theft, damage or total or partial destruction of the contents of the postal shipment;
– the damage occurred as a result of a case of force majeure or a fortuitous event; in this case, the sender has the right to refund the fees paid, with the exception of the insurance fee.
The mechanism for resolving complaints received from users
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. has established a complaint resolution mechanism, in particular, regarding loss, theft, partial or total destruction, or damage to postal items, as well as non-compliance with service quality conditions (delivery, return terms, etc.).
The sender or recipient dissatisfied with the service provided can file a complaint within 6 months from the date of submission of the postal item.
The complaint of the user who considers himself prejudiced/dissatisfied must be made in writing and sent to the supplier in one of the following ways: by filing, in person, at the registered office or at the access/contact points served by staff of Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL., respectively by e-mail, at [email protected].
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will register the complaint received in the Complaints Register and will confirm its receipt to the petitioner by the same method used for transmission by the user or by the method requested by him in the content of the complaint, for example: by handing over the registration number, if the complaint was submitted in person, or by communicating the registration number by e-mail to the e-mail address from which the complaint was received.
In order to resolve the complaint, the complaining user will have to describe in the content of the complaint submitted the event (facts, documents and causes) related to the complaint, formulate their claims, the method of payment chosen in the case of compensation and the information necessary for the transmission of compensation, as well as the data point of contact (in the event that the complaint proves to be well-founded that the complainant can be contacted), to attach to the complaint relevant evidence for carrying out correct and complete analyzes corresponding to the event complained of (such as, as the case may be, a copy of the document certifying the payment of the postal service, of the invoice issued by the supplier, photographs, to make available the packaging of the postal shipment, the destroyed/damaged good that is the object of the postal shipment, a copy of the statement of findings, etc.) and to make available any other data and information that could be useful in resolving the complaint.
Representatives of Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. they will analyze the complaint received taking into account both the evidence submitted by the petitioner, but also the relevant information/evidence provided by their own employees or third parties involved, and may, when necessary, even request an expert opinion.
Reclamaţiwill be resolved (involving, complaint analysis, response communication and compensation award) by Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. within 3 months from the date of its introduction.
In the case of complaints resolved favorably, Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. will compensate the user within 30 days from the date of completion of the analysis of the complaint by means of a written resolution, without exceeding, however, the 3-month period mentioned above, the payment of the sums owed to the user being granted, depending on the request of the injured person, by bank transfer bank or cash, from the cashier at the address in Ilfov, Bragadiru, Sos. de Centură no. 2 – 8.
If the complaint addressed to the postal service provider Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL. has not been satisfactorily resolved or responded to within the term provided for in these general conditions for the provision of postal services, the user in question may submit, within one year from the date of submission of the postal item, a complaint to the regulatory authority accompanied by proof of completion of the preliminary complaint procedure or a request for a summons. The summons can be filed regardless of whether a complaint with the same object has been submitted to the regulatory authority or not.
This document is an integral part of the commercial offer of Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL., representing the general clauses of the individual contract that will be considered concluded between the sender and Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL., at the time of accepting the postal shipment in the postal network. The individual contract is concluded by the sender’s acceptance of the supplier’s offer, without the need to draw up a document.
Legal representative Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL.
Maher Saad Petro Tarazi
Altexpress Courier & E-fulfillment Services SRL
CUI: 34799922
Hala D5, floor 1, DNCB 2, Bragadiru 077025, Romania
Tel: +40377104094
Tel: 0319986
E-mail: [email protected]
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